

Some of my Favorite Photo Links

Below is a list of the plant photo sites I just keep going back to over and over again!

Namaqualand Photos.
Someday we'll get down there!

Photos of carnivorous plants in the wild.
There's more than just Sarracenia, but those are the most stunning.

Aesthetic ID site on ZA wildflowers.
Very extensive!

Vireya Rhododendrons.
Basically an ID site, but the flowers are very nice.

This website takes forever to load! So just load it and come back later. This guy seriously knows how to grow the genus.

Scottish Rock Garden Club Photos.
I've probably looked at every post on there. This is the archived list. The forum is no longer active!

Some of my favorite bonsai.
There are a Lot of repeats from different seasons and years, but there are many individuals shown. My favorite maple of all time is this one.

More Bonsai Photos.
I think there used to be many more photos here, but the site disappeared and then reappeared. Absolutely stunning bonsai that have taken many decades to perfect.

Amazing Gardens and Bonsai.
This guy has one of the most fantastically perfect display gardens I've ever seen. Those trees are OLD and have been looked after every day of their lives! Not a needle out of place on any of them.

I will post more when I think of them...


Trip and Fall

We went to Seattle this past weekend. I spent a total of 17 minutes out of the house. The other 45hr43min, I graded 720 pages of math homework. I'm totally fried. I'll have the "No More Grading" with a side of "Ever", please.

I sat here with the growl-y dawg (whose only wish in life, like all dogs, was to have her owners return!) all day in this very lovely and comfy chair and graded in the lamp light. (Calculator posing for proof)

The view out the window to see the sun for 3minutes.

I have no idea... the neighbor's house... who are these people?

As for Autumn, it's the time for houseplants to burst forth! Here's Rhododendron jasminiflorum. On a warm day, this single flowerhead, which will soon be joined by a friend, perfumes the entire sunroom with a jasmine like scent. Rhodie from Bovee's Nursery in SW Portland. Right about now is peak bloom season so go over and pick one out.

Last, my Eucharis grandiflora. I've had this thing since 2001. Got it from Indoor Sun Shop in Seattle, now moved to Fremont I think... It's a member of the Amaryllidaceae family, all of whose members dislike root disturbance. In order to repot successfully, one must ensure minimal root breakage! Otherwise, the bulbs can enter a multi-year long recovery from such mistreatment. The bowl it's currently in is 18in in diameter.

It has (I think) 9 spikes... Each inflorescence consists of umbel supported by a thick peduncle and each floret is suspended atop a thin pedicel.


More Fence!

I know it's thrilling, but the thing is that a new fence after more than a year of lost privacy is THRILLING! Before this fence went up, we had a meaningless 4ft tall metal wire fence. The previous owners said they never changed it because they and the neighbor could never agree on a design. We just started digging holes and said, "So, we're going to build a new fence. No, it can't be 4ft tall. No, it can't be 5ft tall. It will be 6ft 2in. No it can't be another wire fence! No it can't be chain link! Not even the "nice" chain link! No we can't have wide gaps "for the wind". It will be impenetrable so we feel like we own our own yard!"


Still have to rip end boards, cut the bottoms at an angle, and put up the horizontal 1X4's for consistency, but it's progress!