
2011-02 Wrap up

Just a couple things from mid-winter. It has been bleak...

My Rhododendron phaeochitum X laetum from Bovees that I god back in 2006 or so. It has a bunch of buds that haven't opened yet so I'm expecting an additional spring display in a few months. These tropical Rhodie's seem to do whatever they want to with regard to flowers. This one is a hybrid so it's pretty strong and puts on an increasingly good show each year.

The Acacia baileyana purpurea that was a seedling in spring 2008. The new growth (in May) is dark purple and very nice. It always blooms in the middle of February when we're still having some hard freezes/frosts, so I always have to drag this 15ft tall tree somewhere safe for a few nights.

Lachenalia alioides quadricolor from South Africa. Likes to be cool in the winter, but it did ok in my heated sunroom last winter. This winter I decided to try it in the GH where it did exceptionally well.

The Drosera scorpioides gemmae from last fall have grown into tiny monsters already catching many tiny prey.