A blog of my botanical misdeeds and potentially interesting floral photos. All Photos Copyright Ross Kouzes

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This is a blog dedicated to interesting flora and the yard projects I undertake to make their cultivation possible.


2011-09-14 Mt Hood

Portland was dismally coated in eternal cloud cover today which encouraged us to tread elsewhere. Passing Government camp, the clouds broke and revealed a cloudless sky ornamented by the crag of Mt Hood. The sunny warmth at 6000' substantially out shined the drear at 200' in town.

The view Southwest. To the west the clouds lingered and in the east only a haze from local forest fires marred the view.

I'd never noticed this plant before! It's an Aster, at least it was: Oreostemma alpigenum var alpigenum. Apparently only native to OR and WA and only above Timberline, so it's fairly rare. The puffball is the seed head which came from something like the purple flower in the background.

Saxifraga tolmiei var tolmiei is a succulent saxifrage. Pretty cute.

There was a lot of snow up high, still.

Hiking buddies, Emiliano, the model...

and Jessica, too cool to look at the camera and smile.

Both akimbo.

That was a fun trip!

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