A blog of my botanical misdeeds and potentially interesting floral photos. All Photos Copyright Ross Kouzes

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This is a blog dedicated to interesting flora and the yard projects I undertake to make their cultivation possible.


2011-02 Wrap up

Just a couple things from mid-winter. It has been bleak...

My Rhododendron phaeochitum X laetum from Bovees that I god back in 2006 or so. It has a bunch of buds that haven't opened yet so I'm expecting an additional spring display in a few months. These tropical Rhodie's seem to do whatever they want to with regard to flowers. This one is a hybrid so it's pretty strong and puts on an increasingly good show each year.

The Acacia baileyana purpurea that was a seedling in spring 2008. The new growth (in May) is dark purple and very nice. It always blooms in the middle of February when we're still having some hard freezes/frosts, so I always have to drag this 15ft tall tree somewhere safe for a few nights.

Lachenalia alioides quadricolor from South Africa. Likes to be cool in the winter, but it did ok in my heated sunroom last winter. This winter I decided to try it in the GH where it did exceptionally well.

The Drosera scorpioides gemmae from last fall have grown into tiny monsters already catching many tiny prey.


Nhu Nguyen said...

I never manage to keep pygmy sundews alive for very long. You're doing great with them!

Marcus Tyaeronius Portwhistle said...

They're easy once you've got the right setup for them. I'd be happy to share tons of gemmae this fall.